Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 My apologies for being out of the loop for a while. I meant to come back to the blog sooner but the obligations of Life got in the way. With that in mind, let's talk about the 2024 presidential election.

As I post this we have only 35 days to go until November 5, 2024 - election day in the United States. This has been a journey full of negative campaign ads, primary ups and downs that took candidates by surprise, and even a change at the top of the ticket for one party. But we are here now. On the presidential side it is down to either the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago (a/k/a.: former electoral vote winner Donny) for the repubs and current vice president Kamala Harris for the Democrats. Will probably be going into some of the details later on as we head closer to election day but, for now, I thought it would be a good idea to point out a few things as those readers in the U.S. navigate the final stretch of the election season.

First, while a lot of people may want to take the polls at face value it should be pointed out that former electoral vote winner Donny can still win this damn thing. The polls in the "swing States" where, thanks to the Electoral College, seem to be the only ones that matter in the eyes of the mainstream media, show The Mad Fuhrer and Kamala neck and neck - and those of Harris's lead being within the margin of error. While we are at a point in the race where election polls begin to matter, the most important one and the only one that really matters is the election itself. Because of this the polls should be taken with a grain of salt. A prime example why they should be taken as such is that on Election Day 2016 Donny had a reported approval rating of less than 20% yet still won the electoral vote ( Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote but, because the Electoral College, the popular vote doesn't really matter). Does this mean that Donny's guaranteed another victory? No of course not. I'm just saying we should be more careful and not jump to conclusions this close to election day.

It's at this point that we should probably look at another media framing that popped up briefly in the last few months. There were a couple media sources that compared vice president Harris to the last woman who ran for president, former first lady Hillary Clinton in 2016. Admittedly, the fact both are women is one thing that makes for easy comments among writers of political news think pieces. However, while there seem to be some similarities (such as an apparent lead in the polls leading up to election day) Harris and Clinton differ in enough ways to make this comparison not exactly and not entirely accurate. Both in the circumstances of how they entered the race and how they're approaching it so far. Again, this is a tight race and people are looking for easy comparisons. This one though is flawed at best.

From here let's take a look at the vice presidential candidates. Former electoral vote winner Donny's choice of OH Senator J.D. Vance seemed to be a pic that could be divisive as much as the media perception that it would help Donny. This was at a time when Joe Biden was still running for re-election and it was assumed that vice president Harris would still be Vance's rival. However, biting stepping down from the presidential race on July 21, 2024 changed things. His encouragement for the Democrats to support moving vice president Harris into being his successor created the change of enthusiasm and over time created the sharp turnaround for the Democratic Party's fortunes. Her choice of MN Gov. Tim Walz as a running mate took expectations sideways, especially when he managed to point out the weirdness among much of the Repub Party platform, and in Project 2025. This makes the vice presidential candidate debate tonight one that will pique curiosity for a lot of people. Though some people say the debate performance of these two shouldn't mean that much the fact is it's a possibility that any president could die before their term in office is up. With Donny's age and perceived health issues now on sharper focus after Biden leaving the race it shows there's definitely a chance that Vance could end up president before Donny's term would be up due to issues related to age, health, and a job that is extremely stress related. This adds gravity to the vice presidential debate that might not normally exist in another race or another time.

Then there's the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's increasingly angry and violent rhetoric during his rallies. Referring to immigrants and migrants as vermin he is stirring up more anger amongst his base to to view those who choose to come to this country (especially those of a different race) as less than human in the process. Add to this is repeated threats to prosecute and lock up his political opponents as well as him still claiming that the 2020 election was stolen and it seems that all the attempts to make Donny look less unhinged or even rational in comparison (a new term, sanewashing, has emerged in political press circles to describe this) are doing a disservice to the American people. Because of this, and the fact that you would almost definitely enact much of project 2025 if he gets in office again, he has proven that that under no circumstances should he get this job a second time.

That choice, however, up to the American people and the Electoral College. The fact that there are still undecided voters at the stage of the game leads one to wonder what exactly is going on but, to some degree, that's the case every election. While I won't tell people who to vote for a clear look between what Harris is proposing and the threats and authoritarian leanings being offered by Donny should make this an obvious choice.

We have 36 or so days to go. We'll see what goes down in those days and how it affects the election. Until then, pay attention to the issues attention to issues and be on the lookout for misinformation - there's a shit ton of it out there.