Tuesday, November 19, 2019

It's the Walking Talking Open Impeachment Inquiry Shuffle Part One...or George and Bill's Tesimony Adventure

Today marks the second week of open impeachment inquiries into the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago and whether, through his minions, he asked the Ukranian government to investigate a perceived poilitical rival (in this case, former Vice President Joe Biden, who is one of the nearly 20 candidates running for President on the Democratic Party primary for the 2020 election).  Originally launched from a "transcript" (more like a memo or loosely transcribed yet edited note) from electoral vote winner Donny and his minions regarding a July 2019 call with Ukranian President Zelensky, the supposedly "perfect call" (in the Mad Fuhrer's words) actually gave a visible proof of "quid pro call" by asking for favors that allude to investigating the appointment of Biden's son Hunter to the board of a Ukranian gas company as well as into Crowdstrike, a tech company that, according to right wing conspiracy theories, helped Hillary Clinton rig the election[which, given the Mad Fuhrer won the electoral college, seems extremely far fetched at best].  While the later is brought up, it's the former that convinced establishment Democrats such as Rep. Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi that an inquiry had to happen.

The move to make it public came about as Repubs in Congress whined and moaned about lack of "due process" as well as attempts to barge into a SCIF (secure facility) where confidential testimony was given came a vote to make it public and televised.  Of course, the Repubs then whined and moved the goal posts (complaining about keeping the whistle blower's identity private, even though Federal law requires it)..  Which leads us to the testimony we have so far.

Last week (on Wednesday November 13) we had televised testimony from State Department official George Kent and Ambassador Bill Taylor.  In this time we learned some of the background behind the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's behind the scenes tinkerings in regards to withholding military aid to Ukraine either directly or from his lawyer, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani. unless there were invatigations from the Ukmranian government into both Crowdstrike and the Bidens.  While Repub congressmen on the committees tried to claim this wasn't p[roof of quid pro quo it sure as hell looks like it to anyone not hell-bent on trying to claim electoral vote winner Donny is either completely innocent or that he did it but they aren't crimes.

The left turn in the case came when Taylor testified that one of his aides was present the day after the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's second call to the Ukranian president  have Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland (a Donny fundraiser who many felt bought his post) took a loud phone call with electoral vote winner Donny where Sondland told the electoral vote winner that Zelensky will go ahead with the investigation and that he loves the Mad Fuhrer before telling the aide that the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago doesn't care that much about the Ukraine and corruption but really cares only about the Bidens and what he perceives as corruption from them. 

This was something that people didn't know about beforehand.  It caused Sondland to amend his original testimony done behind closed doors and caused Congress to call him as a witness the next week.  What it also did was give some rock solid proof that there was bribery, if not extortion, when Ukrainian military aid was withheld unless they played ball and called for an investigation and  possible prosecution of the Bidens.  They may have gotten away with it except Congress got wind of it and forced the White House to release the aid, which meant Zelensky didn't have to go on CNN (as the Mad Fuhrer and company requested as a condition for aid) to call for the investigation. 

That alone should bring people a lot closer to understanding why the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago should be impeached.  Then as news unfolded from that  with Repubs trying to spin that there was no quid pro quo and he Mad Fuhrer claiming he was too busy but tweeted over 30 times about it beforehand, news broke of a second person who corroborated what Taylor said about the restaurant call. 

All this in the first day or so.  But there's more up ahead.  While we don't know if the Mad Fuhrer was be impeached, much less removed from office yet what we're learning is that his corruption may be deeper and more intense than many people thought.

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