Thursday, November 26, 2009

Holidays 2009 - A Few Thoughts and Some Dates

Well it’s the ..Holiday.. season again and I’m almost guaranteeing that this post is going to piss some people off.

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I’m talking about the people who like to whine and complain about the whole “War on Christmas” bullshit. While they have a right to their opinion, I wish they’d take into account that other holidays are celebrated this time of year also. When people say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas it’s out of respect because you can’t always tell who celebrates which holiday this time of year whether it be due to spiritual/religious conversions, customs of the culture they grew up in, etc. This is why the people who act so damn persecuted when someone says Happy Holidays pisses me off.

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Now as for the Holidays themselves: we know X-Mas Eve and X-Mas is December 24th and 25th. New Years Eve and New Years Day are December 31st and January 1st. However, some holidays change dates (by our calendar anyway) each year. The following are some of those dates according to the Ethnic and Religious Cultural Holidays Page on the KU Medical Center website (though I tried to link to a few sites on the actual holidays themselves)

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27 - Eid al-adha (Islamic, Muslim)

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6 - St. Nicholas Day(International)....
8 - Bodhi Day - Buddha's Enlightenment(Buddhist)....
11 - 19 - Hanukkah(Jewish)....
12 - Virgin of Guadalupe (....Mexico....)....
13 - Santa Lucia Day (Sweden)....
16-25 - Las Posadas (Mexico)....
18 - Al Hijra - Muslim New Year....
25 - Christmas (Christian, Roman Catholic, International)....
26 - Boxing Day (..Canada.., ....United Kingdom....)....
26 - Kwanzaa (African-American - Dec. 26, 2009 - Jan 1, 2010)....

Some people will be pissed off at me for this, but remember your culture/religion isn’t the only one in this country much less the damn world. Get over yourselves and live your own lives.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just Checking In - NOW UPDATED

Hey! I know it's been a while but things have been a bit crazy around here. Between getting the 17th anniversary issue done, trying to survive, looking for work, and other obligations I sometimes forget to get my head straight. Add to that coming down with a cold the week of Halloween and you have an idea why I've been a little distracted lately.

On a more serious note, the House passed its health care reform bill. Unfortunately it contains the anti choice Stupak Amendment, which not only keeps abortion care out of the "public option" but could keep it out of private insurance plans as well. While I have strong feelings on this misstep, this article at Pandagon states the case far better than I could. So does this post from Shark Fu.

I'll be trying to post more regularly in the future.