Friday, February 7, 2020

The Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's Impeachment Verdict" Acquittal/Coverup and Possible Aftermath

 On February 5, 2020 Repubs in the U.S. Senate voted to acquit the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago in the impeachment trial against him with some citing a lack of new evidence (all the while refusing to allow any new evidence, any new witnesses, and with some key people coordinating with the Mad Fuhrer and his minions).  While time will tell the true danger this causes (outside of allowing him to commit further crimes knowing that nobody will hold his ass accountable) it sadly was expected for several reasons.  

The first is that no President was ever removed from office by impeachment.  Nixon came close but resigned before the trial could commence in 1974.  Clinton survived and somehow become more popular after the ordeal. 
 The other reason this was expected is that the Repubs have loyally lined up to do the political equivalent of cleaning the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago’s prostate with their tongues.  Sure a few on occasion will voice some mild criticism (which appears to be enough to see electoral vote winner Donny on a rampage on twitter as well as get the mainstream media heralding them as “voices of reason” within the GOP) but when crucial votes to prove they stand apart are needed then 98% of the time the vote the party line and fully support the Mad Fuhrer.  It is this, even from people in either House of Congress that are retiring, that keeps things going on this hell ride.

So what now.  The Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago has, es expected, touted this as total exoneration even though anyone with sense can see it for the coverup it was.  The fact tha tanumber of Repu Senators even were on record saying what electoral vote winner Donny did was bad and wrong but they didn't think it was impeachable.  The most odious example was Sen\. Susan Collins (R, ME) who, while hiding as a moderate, has increasingly aligned her votes to some of the worst things accomplished by electoral vote winner Donny (including the vote to confirm Bretty Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice), who replied that the Mad Fuhrewr "learned a lesson."  She quickly backpedalled the statement when he denied learning a lesson. 

With two days out, the Mad Fuhrer seems hell-bent on payback, removed from anything that could hold him to account for his bullshit.  From his rant at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday to a rambling speech that was more rally than anything else and showed no signs of growing from the experience, one thing is clear.  He most likely will commit crimes again  and the road to the next election is going to be a dirty, nasty hell-ish ride.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Live from Washington DC it's.......The Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's Impeachment Special Part Four: The Partisan Ending

Okay, so last Friday the impeachment trial of the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago reached the conclusion that most people pretty much expected.  The Repub party voted en masse not to allow any new witnesses or any new testimony while the Democrats pointed out the coer up potential of having a trial where no witnesses were allowed and new evidence wasn't brought up at the very least. 

All of this led to a dwecision by Senate Majority Leader Addison the Turtle (a/k/a: Moscow Mitch) to have the vote Friday night and wait on the vote on whether to acquit or convict until Wednesday (tomorrow). 

Yes, it appears likely that the Repub Party, who have already shown more loyalty to party over country with its votes in the trial so far, will acquit electoral vote winner Donny and keep the asshole in office.  Pretty much nobody expected him to be removed from office.  Unfortuantely this leaves open a very extremely real worry that the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lag, now unfettered by anything to keep his ass in check or hold him accountable, will ratchet up the corruption and desire for revenge against his "enemies" both on the other side and those Repubs he considers not sufficiently loyal to him.  While any scenario he might take will be conjecture at this point, it's entirely within the realm of possibility that the rhetoric about locking up his political enemies or the media that the mainstream media treats as just hype (but are actually trial balloons)  will actually be tried since his toadies in the Senate will look the other way and let him get away with anything.

Add to this a recent Gallup show showing a 49% approval rating (though I wonder who took the survey and when it was done) and the racist asshole dipped in Cheese curl dust is  going to make this country a very fucking ugly place. 

There are a couple of  glimmers of hope of sorts.  By this strict party line vote we now can get rid of any notion that moderate Repubs exist (that was slowly phased out of the Repub Party (Should we now call them Coupublicans?) over the past 25 years and - thanks to extreme gerrymandering - is a hard hard right wing machine devoted to winning over anything else. 

The other glimmer is this: thanks to this party line vote the Repubs have to own their vote to acquit the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago.  If Democrats are smart they should force this issue and make the Repubs own this for the rest of their careers and use this to get people to vote against Repubs running for House or Senate seats in states that could potentially go either way. 

Regardless of what happens this is going to be an ugly fucking ride over the next nine months.