Sunday, August 12, 2018

One Year After Charlottesville

Today marks the first anniversary of the horrific extreme right rally in Charlottesville, VA that made news as participants arrived armed, some with Nazi flags (including one asshat brandishing a semi automatic weapon while wearing a shirt with a Hitler quote on it) and attacks on counter protesters that culminated in the murder of Heather Heyer by a neo Nazi who I won't name here.  We all know about the violence as well as electoral vote winner Donny's back and forth on supposedly disavowing the white supremacists and Nazis (remember "on both sides").

Today it will be marked on the right by rallies in both Charlottesville, VA as well as in Washington, DC (the latter organized by the main guy behind the first horrifying rally).  In the case of DC, reports indicate that counterprotesters may be outnumbering the Nazis but since it's still happening it's hard to tell for sure. 

A live feed from Truthdig reported that the rally marchers from the "alt right" were between 30 and 50 with more counter protesters.  While this is a good sign =(as is the live feed from AJ+) things are still in progress so who knows what will unfold later on. 

As for us at TTWN we're in solidarity with those marching against hate in DC, Charlottesville, and NYC.  Here's hoping things remain safe.  There will be more to report on this later so we'll be exploring it when we can and get back to you,

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