Tuesday, July 23, 2019

So Mueller’s Gonna testify Today

Update:  Edited and corrected to include both hearings.

 It's July 24, 2019 and former special counsel Robert Mueller will be testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee followed by a hearing in front of the House Intelligence committee sometime today answering questions related to the Mueller Report regarding possible collusion and obstruction of justice by electoral vote winner Donny and his minions.  While Mueller has said that any testimony will mainly apply to what he’s already said in a previous press conference and what's in the report itself this is still a big deal.

lt is a big deal because while this will mainly cover a lot of ground many already know if they pay attention, the fact that most people haven't read the Mueller  Report (at over 400 pages that’s understandable since it is a commitment to get through it) means this will provide some context and some information that people don't already know, flesh it out so to speak. Regardless of whether or not there are any bombshells revealed in his testimony  this means that we're going to lease get some new context on what was in the report and why he came up with the conclusions he did as well as possibly understand what limits were placed on the investigation itself. 

 Either way this is going to be a bumpy ride. Though electoral vote winner Donny (a/k/a: the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago)  has already said that he has no plans to watch it then said he might watch a little in the same gaggle. What that means is he totally plans to watch the testimony and will likely be tweeting about it all damn day instead of doing his job.

Time will tell what happens as result of Mueller's testimony, It might push the buttons to get people on board to impeach the Mad Fuhrer, it might avoid that but open up new paths for Congress to investigate (Mueller said in his pres conference a while back that while the DOJ couldn't charge a sitting president, congress could).  The abut one thing is for certain this is going to add another twist and turn to the ride that's already bumpy and leading to a long scary year before the 2020 election.

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