Thursday, January 30, 2020

Live from Washington DC it's.......The Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's Impeachment Special Part Two: THE REPUBS KIND OF SORT OF STRIKE BACK WITH THE SAME EXCUSES

So Saturday morning and the last two days saw the lawyers for the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago make their case that electoral vote winner Donny should remain in office and be acquitted of any charges related to the impeachment.  Now, we'll get to the John Bolton book kerfuffle in another post but, while that leak seems to show clear evidence of quid pro quo and that he wanted the Ukraine to have an investigation specifically into Joe Biden rather than corruption, the Mad Fuhrer's legal team seems content to rehash the usual claims of perfect phone call, no corruption, no quid pro quo that the other side pretty much completely debunked.

I admit I haven't seen much of this side of the argument mainly because I had things to do.  I ended up getting off the paying job extremely early and my nap afterwards pretty much covered that time.  While this meant I haven't seen much of their case being made, the fact they keep making the same talking points doesn't help their case for those who haven't already drank a large cup of the Mad Fuhrer of Mar-A-Lago's non carbonated soft drink mix. 

We'll get to Bolton and the Debate stage next. 

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